start code

英 [stɑːt kəʊd] 美 [stɑːrt koʊd]

网络  开始码; 起始码; 创码; 起始符; 启动码



  1. In the Development Center, right-click on the stored procedure in order to start the code editor for it.
  2. But before we start looking at code, let's look at a simple demo to see what RAP can do and familiarize ourselves with launching RAP-based applications.
  3. Put together an extensive set of tests even before you start writing the code that will be tested and make sure all the required functionality is tested.
  4. The most important field is the first one, which is the address of the start of the code for the procedure.
  5. Before you start writing the code for publish applications, you need to understand two basic requirements for this type of application.
  6. Before I start to code any Groovlets, I need to think through two crucial issues.
  7. Start your code with a great application in mind, and use these suggestions to get you there.
  8. Start putting application code into your Cheetah templates, and you'll find yourself with the same headaches that drive programmers and UI designers to choose templating systems in the first place.
  9. To illustrate the read-first technique, I'll start with some code that implements the API Layer transaction strategy.
  10. In this task, we start identifying the code that implements the use cases.
  11. If, on the other hand, you do see similar output on your system, the foundations of your Agavi application are in place, and you're ready to start adding some code to it!
  12. For many, the best way to learn a new language is to start writing code.
  13. As you did with the client-side code for tree generation, start writing Java code for getting the initial data for the books in the JSON format.
  14. "We put a focus on providing popular APIs in RAP and have been working with a couple of other Eclipse projects to start single-sourcing code," said Jochen Krause, project lead.
  15. For this reason, I would recommend you start your jQuery code with namespace issues in mind right away, and use this solution for all of your own coding.
  16. Now it's time to start writing the code!
  17. Previous versions of the DOM specification did not provide any way to bootstrap DOM implementations; therefore, in your applications you had to start with implementation-dependent code.
  18. Now that the Web application is set up, you can start to code the internal classes of the Atom feed.
  19. Now we are ready to start writing the code to implement page navigation using the overview module.
  20. We're ready to start creating some code.
  21. What prompted you to start doing code reviews on each check-in?
  22. Multithreading is difficult, and a thorough design before you start to code will help avoid difficult-to-detect locking problems.
  23. Using other tools requires the developer to understand the tooling requirements when they start to write code.
  24. The location of a start code prefix can be used by a decoder to identify the beginning of a new NAL unit and the end of a previous NAL unit.
  25. Now that you have the basic environment ready to go, you can start generating the code to consume the web service.
  26. You can get a lot done before you even start to write code!
  27. When we start writing code, you're going to see that difference, but for now, don't worry about it, I just want to plant that idea.
  28. Now we are ready to start adding the code to the activity.
  29. Today, I'm gonna start writing C code with you but I can't just write it and expect it to do anything.
  30. The specify LPC2114 board level start code, various modules driver, the system task has realized as well as the alarm system multi-duties dispatch strategy;